Source: Kompas, October 6 2019

01 Information Engineering 

Not surprisingly, cyber security experts are in demand all over the world. In the past five years, demand for intelligence and data policy analysts has grown by 21.4%. It is estimated, the demand for ICT professionals (information, communication and technology) will increase to 26.5% in 2020.

02 Accounting, Business, and Mathematics  

The demand for accounting and financial professionals has increased by 44% and will grow by 22% by 2020.Professional needs in mathematics and statistics studies also increased by 10% for 2020. Mathematics and qualitative and quantitative statistics have become a necessity in the business and financial sectors related to data processing in the growing digital era.

03. Health and Psychology 

The increase in the number and density of the world’s population has directly companied the increase in demand of health professionals, both doctors and other medical personnel. It is predicted that 40% more physical and mental health service professionals will be needed by 2020. 

04. Communication and Media Design

The increase in the need for professionals in the creative field is by 15% in 2020 is estimated to come from the fields of advertising, marketing and entertainment. A combination of the ability to communicate messages and market them is highly sought after. 

05. Engineering, Law, and Teachers 

Various professionals in the fields of engineering (electrical, mechanical, robotics and others) are still the ‘backbone’ of the development of the industrial revolution 4.0. Interestingly, there is also a predicted increase of 17.6% for lawyers in 2020. Demand for early childhood education professionals will increase by 27%, and education teachers by 21%. 

Originally in Indonesian.